Organic Baby & Child Products
Becoming pregnant and having my babies was one of the most wonderful times of my life. Even though "my babies" are all now in their 20's, I can't help but still want to nurture and guide them in all things health and life. Recently some of my friends have become grandparents. This has motivated me to start researching this next phase of life, knowing that I will blink my eyes and it will be my turn, thus needing to educate my kids in this topic as well. Using natural baby products is extremely important as the toxins we are exposed to continually increase, in not only our food, water and EMFs, but our personal products as well.
It is also essential to remember that what goes ON the body, also goes IN the body, so finding natural and organic baby and Mama products is key. It takes a long time for little immune systems to develop, so making sure we decrease a child's toxic load throughout their childhood is crucial to overall, long-term health.
As a Mom, I have made a lot of right decisions along the way, but I've also made some wrong ones because I was misinformed. I encourage you to take the time to educate yourself on why organic baby care products, organic baby toys, organic baby blankets, sheets and mattresses, and everything baby should be natural and organic. Also, Moms - it's important for you to practice self-care as well and make sure you are using natural and organic products on and "in" you as well.
Below, I have listed some of my favorite brands. And no - you do not need to be pregnant and or nursing to use some of these products. The women in my family use several of these products because they are non-toxic, organic and WORK! Also, don't forget to order some of these natural products as gifts so you can help educate your friends and their families about the importance of using organic - pesticide free - non-toxic products for themselves and their babies.
Feel free to email me if you have other favorites you think I should know about and I will check them out.
All my best, as always, ♥ Tina