CANCER 101 - Important Research to Know About
Learn all about Cancer, how it starts, how it multiplies, and how long you've had it by the time you have been diagnosed. IMPORTANT! If...
Live Chat Tomorrow! Discussion on Root Causes of Disease and Cancer
Tomorrow afternoon - Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 4:00 pm PST I will be talking with you about possible Root Causes of Disease and...
URGENT! Two Must Watch Covid Videos
Dr. Ardis and Project Veritas have released two important videos on Covid Corruption. Please watch and share everywhere!
Real Pandemic Protocol
Spike Protein and Graphene Oxide Detox Program I am praying you have all realized by now that the real pandemic is not the Coronavirus...
GRIEF - Where Do We Begin?
Resources to help you get through the toughest losses.
Oral Health Is Crucial To Overall Health
Yes, EVERY tooth is at the top of a biomeridian pathway that leads to every major system and organ in the body. THIS FACT alone is why...
How To Correctly Test Your Thyroid
Understanding how to properly test your THYROID is crucial to overall health. Why - you may ask? It is because your body uses thyroid...
If You Are Toxic, It's Almost Impossible To Heal
Did you know that a person very rarely dies of cancer itself? Instead, it is starvation and toxicity that causes him or her to...