CANCER 101 - Important Research to Know About
Learn all about Cancer, how it starts, how it multiplies, and how long you've had it by the time you have been diagnosed. IMPORTANT! If...

Oral Health Is Crucial To Overall Health
Yes, EVERY tooth is at the top of a biomeridian pathway that leads to every major system and organ in the body. THIS FACT alone is why...

Root Cause: The Movie All Media Is Trying to Prevent You From Watching
Here one minute, gone the next! It was amazing how fast the documentary Netflix movie, "Root Cause" was removed from not only Netflix,...

8 Essential Steps For Achieving True Health
I am overcome with emotion this morning. Sometimes it just hits me how important my job is, my now chosen profession, to bring to you and...

What Is A Docu-Series & Why Sign-Up For One?
A Docu-Series is a multi-day video series where dozens of doctors and researchers are interviewed on a particular subject centering upon...

FREE Food Lists to Help You Eat Smart and Be Healthy
How do you figure out what you should be eating to be healthy and have a strong immune system? This is probably the most confusing health...

1 in 2 Men, 1 in 3 Women Will Get Cancer - Don't Be One!
Cancer is a word that strikes instant fear into the hearts and minds of everyone. And for good reason! Cancer usually happens when people...